2022 Wrap-up

2022 Wrap-up

I love New Years. The ultimate fresh start! I bought a new planner, cleaned out the pantry, and organized the closets. I donated bags of clothes and shoes and whatever else I haven’t used this year. Maybe I’ll move around art and rearrange the furniture once the tree is gone. I wrote down my goals, made lists, and reflected on the year…what I’m proud of and what I could’ve done differently.

A lot happened in 2022.

My husband, Kevin, left his government job to work for himself. He’s a plumbing contractor, the hardest working person I know, and deserves every good thing that comes his way. I’m so incredibly proud of him. Like, my heart could burst.

My oldest son, Owen, worked his ass off to save the money to buy and renovate a school bus. As soon as the project was complete, he drove up north to live and work for the summer. I’m in awe of him. He’s not afraid to try new things, figure shit out, and learn along the way. I was a late bloomer and didn’t even drive till I was 19 but this kid restored a bus (Vinny Van Go) and drove cross country to work and live in an entirely new place. Last year was Montana and this year was Maine. Where will Owen go next?!

My baby, Miles, was one of the many students (Owen, too) who was robbed of their senior year because of COVID. He was holed up in his room, taking online classes, and missing out on the grand finale of his high school career. A real bummer. But Miles isn’t a complainer…he took it in stride, finished on top, and graduated this spring. He used diet and exercise and really learning about nutrition to transform his body so that he’s in peak physical condition. He’s a planner and one of the most disciplined people I know…a total inspiration!

I quit my government job this August to be a full-time artist. It was time. I was working every day and painting every night….alllll night and every weekend. I’d been unhappy with the direction our department was going and the stress and aggravation was affecting me. I was mentally and emotionally drained. I was rundown. I was sick a lot. And I had enough. It’s been four months and I can’t remember the last time I was this happy. Having unlimited time to create is the ultimate gift. I realize how incredibly lucky I am, and I don’t take it for granted, not for a second.

Take the bad with the good.

We took family vacations in Costa Rica, Maine, and Colorado. Kevin and I now work for ourselves. Owen adventured across the country. Miles finished his first semester of college.  We remodeled our bathroom and built a painting studio.

I’ve lost family members, continue to struggle with depression, and I’m mourning the loss of family that are still alive, but I have no contact with them. That one’s a biggie. No amount of antidepressants can help with that, but I’m working through it.

When I’m feeling down, I think about this text exchange with my Auntie Ada.

Me: Staying positive and looking at the bright side.

Auntie Ada: Baby, you have enough electricity for all of Florida. Should not be a problem!

2022 was a wild year personally and professionally! Thank you for following along, buying art, sharing my posts, commenting, and staying in touch. I couldn’t have accomplished my 2022 goals without you. I’m so grateful to you. (And I’m bringing that electricity with me in 2023!)

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